Our exhibitions and auctions are public and open to all.
You can view the calendar on this site, with the precision of locations, dates and times of exhibitions and sales.
Our sales are also reported in various media including La Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot.
We are also available for each specialized sales catalogs which are described and illustrated the proposed works.
To be notified by email when an entertainer or an object you are looking for is on sale, you simply subscribe to our newsletter.

Sales hall

For sales indoor public with exhibitions, our auctioneers and accredited experts, are available for information on objects, their time and their status.
Catalogs of all our auctions are also available at the website of La Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot, plus those of Drouot Online for online sales and for sales Drouot Live live. The bids have been made on these three sites.

Internet sales

Drouot Online offers the opportunity to bid exclusively on the internet. A sale usually lasts a week.
The award is given at the time of order auction shown on the plug of the object.

Drouot Live allows you to bid in real time as if you were dining.

Our auctions on online sales platforms offered by Drouot are subject to registration on the Drouot Drouot Online and Live sites.
Creating an account is free and allows access to our live and online sales.
You do not set any additional charges of selling expenses.

Order shopping

If you do not have the opportunity to bid online at Drouot sites, you can send us an order to buy at a fixed price. This will be performed for free and you will be notified of the possible purchase the day after the sale.

Telephone bids

You can also ask to be called by phone during the sale, where you can then bid anonymously against the public present in the room. The request for a telephone line means that the bidder is the lessee at the low estimate in the case of a bad telephone connection.

In both cases, you must apply in writing enclosing a bank account number at least 24 hours before the sale.

Thank you to refer to the more comprehensive and specific legal conditions under which sales are made in Switzerland and France on the platforms of Drouot, they are included in each of our catalogs.